What makes you mad, sad, or glad when you think about your fibroids?

Started to put this question on the Feedback page but thought I would create a post instead. I’ll start:


  • I waited so long to seek help.
  • Fibroids caused me to be anemic, weak, and sick.
  • I felt trapped at home.
  • Sleeping for more than a couple of hours was impossible.
  • I had to rearrange my life to accommodate them.
  • The blood and clots and cramps…Oh, my.
  • Too many women have limited treatment options.
  • Scientists still don’t know what causes fibroids.


  • EVERYTHING from the “Mad” category.
  • Thinking about how I rearranged my life still makes me cry.
  • As I sit here in front of my screen typing this, many women sit in front of theirs searching for answers.


  • Discovering concretely that I’m not alone. (Big thank you to all!)
  • Realizing that women (me included!) are indeed incredibly strong.
  • Putting my bullheadedness on hold long enough to get help.
  • My doctors listen to me and value my opinion. (They just probably think I’m crazy.)
  • I am more spiritual than I originally thought.
  • There is a use for my weird sense of humor.

I’m sure I’ll add to the list as I reflect more on my “fibroid years”.

Okay. Your turn. One thing or 100 things. Let’s hear it.


Related Posts:
A quarter of my life
My new normal interrupted
Fibroid doctors spring into action

55 Responses to “What makes you mad, sad, or glad when you think about your fibroids?”

  1. Shirley after 7 months Says:

    Still hurting and have an appt. for a hysterectomy in Sept. I will be happy to be over the pain. I’m a little mad but want to give a heads up to those with fibroids. In reguards to MRIs. Make sure you get a copy of the results and read it with the Dr and have him explain it to you. I had 2 MRIs. One before the embolism to see if I was a good candidate for the procedure. I’m sure I remember the radiologist telling me that either endometriosis or having fibroids outside of the uterus would make the embolism not a good option. After he got the MRI results I asked the Dr if it showed that I was a good candidate for the embolism and he said yes. When it didn’t seem to help me I had anouther MRI one month after to make sure it none of the bad things that could happen were happening to cause my continued pain. He said the MRI was ok. A few months later after I found a nice GYN. I got done paying for the second MRI and thought I wanted to see for myself what it looked like and said. I looked up many of the words on the internet to know what it said. I was really surprised that it said that I had two fibroids outside of my uterus and one was the biggest one. Also my ovaries were full of cysts and one was bleeding. If I had known this before I may have had the hysterectomy sooner. Make sure ladies that you see and have explained to you the results of your preliminary MRI. good luck, Shirley

  2. Amy Says:

    Hi Everybody! YAY!!!

    FYI — I contacted WordPress and they were able to fix the blog!!! Still no sign of Eclectic Geek herself, but at least most things seem to work.

    I’ve asked if it was an actual malfunction or the domain mapping wasn’t paid up or whatever…. and will continue to follow through on this is just in case.

    I really hope the whole thing is working again and all the regulars come back!

    (for those who get ALL the comments emailed to them, sorry for all the repeat posts, but I want the message to get through to everyone!)

  3. Pamela Says:

    Hello all hope this is going to help some of you.. As you may have read i was going to have a hyst but was not sure about it…Well i had the novasure done on Sept 25,2009 and it was fast and easy i didnt have much pain at all very little to no bleeding after and so far so good. So for those of you who are not ready to give up your female stuff and take all those hormones … Check with your Doctor about Novasure… you may or may not ever have a period again.. but hey i can deal with a little bleeding… Im feeling good after 3 days and i will keep you up dated on my healing… Also you may read a lot of horriable stuff on the internet about novasure but remember not everyone is the same…hope this helps some of you and that you get all information you need before you have anything major done.. God bless all and Email me if you would like or want more informtion…

  4. AM Says:

    I am mad that I waited so long to have a second miomectomy
    I am mad I requiered a second miomectomy
    I am very mad 5 weeks after the second miomectomy the doctor found out I was pregnant
    I am very mad and sad that a month after my second miomectomy I had to have an abortion as after all the medication the baby was not “viable”
    I am sad that I had to go through this again
    I am mad I had to lose the baby that me and my husdband wanted to have
    I am mad and sad I have to put a brave face
    I am mad and sad I am not letting myself feel as mad and sad as I should be
    I am confused on how I should feel

  5. Stina Says:

    I agree with all of eclectic geeks mads and sads and glads.

    I am mad that doctors tell patients that fibroids are no big deal and every black woman has them.

    I am mad that the ultrasound only showed 4 fibroids when I actually had 17 !

    I am mad I was anemic for over a year and none of my doctors bothered to prescribe iron for me NOR made the connection to the fibroids.

    I am SO VERY glad I had the myomectomy. My tummy is visibly smaller post 3 weeks !

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